Just this morning, it was announced the U.S. economy grew by a robust 2.8% in the second quarter. This, in addition to historic unemployment lows and stock market highs would lead to the assumption that, well, someone is doing something right, right? So, what has President Joe Biden done thus far in his presidency (he still has six months to go) to contribute to our economy, among other things he has done for the American people?

Let’s start with the Inflation Reduction Act. Yes, inflation had gotten rather high as a result of the previous administration’s backwards policies, such as relaxing laws on consumer protections. Corporate greed, you may call it. Biden, as a direct result of his efforts, has gotten inflation down to a much more manageable level. And from what I remember in my college economics courses, a low level of inflation is actually a good thing, as it encourages economic progression.

Next, the Bipartisan infrastructure package has created countless highway and bridge projects, as well as JOBS, all around the country. I have recently travelled much of the country and have personally seen many of these projects. They are quite impressive. I would suffice to say, that many Trump supporters, whom are, more often than not, from rural areas do not see many of these infrastructure projects.

College debt relief has already helped millions by relieving a portion of their student loan obligations. This means they are able to pay off other debts more easily, but more importantly, they are able to spend more money – which is taxed. It pumps money into the economy, and is taxed over and over again, rather than being funneled directly into the government at a lethargic pace over many years of otherwise loan payments.

Additionally, Joe Biden has expanded overtime guarantees for millions. There has been a crackdown on junk fees and overdraft charges. He has given smaller food producers a boost against the agriculture behemoths. He has brought jobs and billions in investment money back to the U.S. for microchip production. He has made medication more accessible and more affordable. He supports unions and is the first president to stand in a picket line to support them. And perhaps most significant to many, the U.S. is now producing more oil than anytime in history.

The above are just things President Biden has accomplished as they pertain to our economy. In the future, we will cover other things he’s done for America. Meanwhile, we look forward to what this wise man with integrity can do to further help everyone, the People, in his remaining six months in the White House.


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