Donald Trump and Camp seem to be panicked and frenetic upon President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 Presidential Race and being replaced with Vice President Kamala Harris. Felon Trump and his base have all the reason to be worried as Kamala’s campaign has quickly raised more than $200 million and reports show there was a 700% rise in voter registrations.

The primary concern with President Biden’s running for re-election was his age, which was a concern for many amongst both Republicans and Democrats. Well, that issue has disappeared and what is left to criticize, at least for Trump and his cronies? Kamala laughs.

Trump’s long history, when facing a female opponent, is to sexually humiliate. Nearly immediately after Harris’ announcement to run for the Presidency, Trump began calling Harris “crazy”, “nuts”, and “dumb” – because she laughs. Experts describe this as blatant misogyny. “The mocking of her laughter is a coded way of saying, ‘This woman has the audacity of being joyful in public. How dare she?” – Oneka LaBennett.

Kamala has responded with confidence and humor and has stated, “These guys are weird” and laughs back, which hits especially hard to a supreme sociopath and narcissist.

Future President Kamala Harris’ laughter conveys positivity, happiness, joy, contentment and perhaps most important… inner peace. Suffice to say, it is doubtful Donald Trump has any modicum of inner peace, considering the mountains of evidence of his wrongdoings in all aspects of his life. Laughter can also show that someone is part of a group. Kamala Harris feels that she is part of America, working for America, rather than being above everyone and wanting to become a dictator and rule from a throne.

Upon researching for this blog post, it was surprisingly and pleasantly discovered that a group called Evangelicals for Harris is supporting Kamala Harris. “Evangelicals don’t have to change who they are, they just need to reaffirm who they are by voting for someone who truly reflects Christian values.” only hopes that more evangelicals and those typically from the far right will see the same light as EFH and make the switch. Kamala Harris’ laughing also presents an air of authenticity. She is authentic, she is real, and she is one of us. To sum things up, Donald Trump has found his match. The former Attorney General of California is Trump’s worst nightmare and will be laughing for the next four years.

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